Dear Dinah,
An old but true saying is that a skunk can't smell its own stink. It's a delicate situation you're in, but it's your living space as well as his. The keys to a successful resolution are time, place and attitude. Set a time when you're both comfortable and there's no pressing activity. This means that first thing in the morning and last thing at night are not conducive. Neither is just before he's out the door, maybe after dinner or on the weekend. Talk to him in private, you don't need a backup friend riding shotgun. Be straightforward and honest, not apologetic or mean. I certainly can relate to your predicament; we're scared of being shot as the messenger, but in reality we appreciate being told the truth. Wouldn't you rather have someone point out the bits of broccoli stuck in your teeth than go on with your day looking like Swamp Thing?
Need advice? Ask METRO's agony aunt Dinah Chong Watkins. Send questions to or our Sina Weibo @chinadailymetro . Please give as many details about the situation as possible.