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Metro Beijing

The Regent Beijing's green efforts take off

Updated: 2011-08-20 13:08

The Regent Beijing's green efforts take off 

The Crescent Lounge-Regent 

The Regent Beijing has achieved the prestigious Green Globe Benchmarked Bronze status under the Green Globe Earthcheck Benchmarking program managed by EC3 Global. The global program recognizes the Regent Beijing's commitment to operating at the world's highest environment standard.

In achieving Benchmarked Bronze Status, the Regent Beijing has used the Earthcheck tool to benchmark its energy and water consumption, total waste production and community commitment as well as implementing an integrated environmental and social policy.

In particular, the Regent Beijing has achieved Best Practice results on water saving, waste disposal, paper, cleaning and pesticide products. These measures will ensure efficient practices and cost savings, ensuring the hotel is on the path to securing a sustainable future for the environment.

The Green Globe program managed by EC3 Global, an Australian company, is a worldwide Benchmarking, Certification and performance improvement system which is designed to assist the travel and tourism industry to attain sustainability. Green Globe with Earthcheck science inside provides a certification system that responds directly to the major environmental problems facing the planet, including climate change, waste reduction and non-renewable resource management.


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