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Metro Beijing

Home truths about your subway

Updated: 2011-05-31 07:42
By Mei Jia ( China Daily)

In a bustling metropolis like Beijing, the subway plays an important role in everyday life. Like an old friend, it takes us to work, back home and to our many playgrounds. So when a series of humorous cartoons was released that interpreted the characteristics of seven Beijing Subway lines, they became the talk of the town. METRO talked to passengers about the capital's sprawling underground system and the lines they spend large chunks of their day riding.

Home truths about your subway

Line 1

Home truths about your subway

Bai Wenjing, 26, architect

I've been in Beijing for more than a month and Line 1 is my primary choice of transport. I use it every weekend to visit my friends and see the city. I was told how awful it is, that you have to squeeze to get in, but I find it OK, except for the rides back home in the evenings: hot and crowded. The cartoon is good and accurate.

Describe the line in one sentence: It's convenient and joins many must-see places.

Photos By Mei Jia / China Daily

Home truths about your subway

Line 4

Home truths about your subway

Yue Zhengnan, 18, high school student

I use Line 4 every day for school. It has enough trains, and it's not crowded. The stations are also different from other lines, although the signs for interchanges are not clear and are a bit confusing. However, it connects many significant landmarks, which is amazing. The cartoon is really interesting.

Describe the line in one sentence: It's comfortable because it has plenty of trains and few passengers.

Home truths about your subway

Line 5

Li Peng, 28, civil servant

Home truths about your subway

I ride Line 5 every day, to work and home. I have a car but seldom drive. I leave home at 6 am to avoid the rush. I don't know how it can be improved; maybe an extra line would ease the pressure. If you ride the subway, you need to expect cramped conditions. The good thing is, the trains are always on time.

Describe the line in one sentence: It's crowded because it's one of the busiest lines in the capital.

Home truths about your subway

Line 8

Shi Xiuli, 49, laboratory technician

Home truths about your subway

I take the line a lot during the week. I like it. It's not crowded, so offers a moment of relief before I have to transfer to another line. The line reflects the city's metropolitan charm. The only problem is you

have to wait longer for trains at night. The cartoon is adorable.

Describe the line in one sentence: It's comfortable and environmentally friendly.

Home truths about your subway

Line 10

Carmen Halford, 23, US intern

Home truths about your subway

I use the line eight times a week to get to work. It's really crowded. I wouldn't be able to suggest how to improve things. The best thing about it is that it connects places like Chaoyang district with Renmin University of China and Wudaokou. I was pleased to see the guy in the cartoon looks annoyed, though.

Describe the line in one sentence: Too many people.

China Daily

(China Daily 05/31/2011)
