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Metro Beijing

Students flock to fitness centers for exam prep

Updated: 2011-05-05 07:56
By Wang Wei ( China Daily)

Hundreds of Beijing students are hitting the gym in a desperate bid to boost their chances of being accepted by the school of their choice.

Three of the major fitness companies that specialize in training youngsters told METRO they have seen a marked increase in new recruits signing up to prepare for the senior high school examinations on May 20.

Iksports, which is headquartered in Haidian district, had fewer than 500 students using its 10 bases across the capital in February. Today, that number is more than double.

Enrollments rose 30 percent in March and April at Youth Physical Training Center, also in Haidian, while staff at Lijia Sports Training Center in Chaoyang district said registrations there have also seen a spike.

"Most students seek professional help at this time of year to score higher in the test," said coach Zhang Xin, owner of Iksports. "Prior to training, many would struggle to get 15 points. After it many of them score full points."

Specialist training centers offer classes designed to boost fitness fast, including basketball dribbling, shot putting and long-distance running. Classes cost about 150 yuan for two hours and are taught by professional university coaches.

Just like English, mathematics or physics, the sports section of the high school exam scores youngsters on their ability. Previously, it used to contribute only 30 points to the final score; however, in 2009 the Beijing education commission increased it to 40.

Authorities say the change was made to emphasize the need for students to balance academic studies with physical development. However, for many youths this is easier said than done.

"I wanted to join a basketball club after school but was blocked by my teacher because I have to do my homework," said Song Shuang, 14, a second-year student at No 57 Middle School who studies until 11 pm every day and attends three weekend tutoring classes.

"He suggested I start preparing for the physical test in the final year of junior high instead," he added. "I wish the summer vacation would come sooner so I can spend some time playing basketball."

China Daily

(China Daily 05/05/2011 page)
