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Holdout shall not be moved

Updated: 2011-01-13 08:05
By Wang Wei ( China Daily)

 Holdout shall not be moved

Meng Zhaofeng reads newspapers about her issue at home on Wednesday. [Photo/China Daily]

Elderly resident stays in her home while negotiating for compensation

The last "nail household" owner on Chaoyang Road is determined to stay in her property even though she has been told to vacate her house in 15 days.

Meng Zhaofeng, 64, received a demolition notice from Chaoyang district housing administration bureau on Monday stating she had to move out of her property in 15 days, otherwise the house will be demolished without her consent.

The woman with a paralyzed lower body hasn't reached an agreement on the amount of compensation with Beijing Gonglian Company, which is in charge of the demolition, and refuses to move.

"I require 40,000 yuan per square meter, but they will only compensate me around 10,000 yuan per sq m," she said.

"I will continue to fight for a reasonable compensation until the day I die."

The demolition notice says that the company will compensate Meng 985,000 yuan and give her an additional 920,000 yuan in subsidies. In total, Meng would receive around 2 million yuan for her 180-sq-m flat located in Chaoyang Road, which is approximately 7 kilometers west of the Central Business District.

The notice also says Meng has a prioritized right to purchase affordable housing at a price of 7,600 yuan per sq m. If she gives up this right, she will receive an extra 1 million yuan compensation.

Meng said she refused the offer because the average housing price in the area is 30,000 yuan per sq m.

Meng has serious diabetes and has to spend around 4,000 yuan on medical expenses every month. Leasing out part of the home is her main source of income.

Her 180-sq-m apartment consists of two parts. She rents out a 60-sq-m area at a price of 200,000 yuan a year. The rest is her living area. But since July last year, when the area started being cleared for demolition, she has not been able to rent out the space.

"If they move me into high buildings, they cut off my only income source," she added.

More than 70 households, which were Meng's old neighbors, all moved to transitional houses provided by Beijing Gonglian Company or bought new apartments, after they received a demolition notice from Chaoyang district housing administration bureau on Feb 23.

Meng's property is the last and only property still standing on Changyang Road.

"I will live in this isolated island until I receive reasonable compensation," Meng said.

Officials from Chaoyang district housing administration bureau reportedly said they had raised the amount of compensation for Meng and were sorry no agreement had been reached.

The land where her property is located will be used to widen the street.
