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More than just a pretty face

Updated: 2010-06-03 07:56
( China Daily)

More than just a pretty face
Actress Song Jia says "women can't be sexy in their 20s." CHUN WAN / FOR CHINA DAILY

Hailed as one of China's sexiest actresses, Song Jia dismissed praise for her looks with the statement: "Women can't be sexy in their 20s. They are not mature enough".

Defying the notion that beauties don't have talent, Song relishes proving she is an excellent actress, not just a "star".

Song, who just celebrated her 30th birthday, initially gained her reputation with her subtle portrait of a mistress in the thriller Hao Qi Hai Si Mao, or Curiosity Kills the Cat, which took millions of yuan at the box office in 2006.

She won even more popularity with her performance playing a maid in John Woo's Hollywood blockbuster Red Cliff, a movie depicting a famous historical battle that took place during the Three Kingdoms (AD 220-280).

Having the same name in Chinese characters as another famous Chinese actress, Song Jia is normally called "little Song Jia" by domestic media in order to differentiate the two celebrities.

However, the "little" one is growing up and is bored of the sobriquet. Now she wants to audiences to appreciate her for more than her sexy looks.

Q: Do you like people calling you 'Little Song Jia'?

A: When I first entered the entertainment industry, there was another Song Jia who was already very famous. Many friends suggested me change my name but I didn't want to, because my name is a blessing from my parents. "Jia" means nice and beautiful. And I love it very much.

Q: That resonated strongly with you?

A: Yes. There is a scene that touched me a lot. The woman is washing her lover's hair when he complains about how harsh her hands are.

She replies, "I would have taken good care of my hands if I were as rich as your wife." I found myself crying even before the shooting.

Q: Did that film change your view about being an actress?

A: Definitely. Before that, I don't think I really took the job seriously.

Q: Among all the roles you've played so far, which one have you enjoyed most?

A: After I graduated from the Shanghai Theater Academy, for two years the only roles I played were shallow young girls with a beautiful face. It was my role in the film Curiosity Kills the Cat that unlocked the other side of me.

I fell in love with the script from the very beginning. As one of those lowest in social class and a lover of someone much higher up the social ladder, the woman is subjected to all kinds of moral judgments.

But she attracted me because of her attitude towards love. I saw something very pure and animal-like in her.

Q: You have just turned 30. Do your parents ever urge you to get married?

A: Of course, but each time I manage to get around the topic.

I think I bear some resemblance with Jiang Dayan, the role I played in the TV drama series Da Nu Dang Jia (Aging Women Should get Married).

After so many unsuccessful love experiences, Jiang still believes in true love. Although struggling, she does not give up despite the pressure from her mother. I think she did the right thing. I won't compromise love for marriage either.

There is a line in the play that I like very much. It goes "only you know the comfortable size of your shoes".
