Chinese colleges suffocating in smoke

Updated: 2011-09-14 10:59

(China Daily)

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China’s Tobacco-control Association (CTA) says 98 percent of 800 colleges in the country do a poor job of smoking control, the China Youth Daily reported on Wednesday.

An investigation by the CTA started in March found only 16 of 800 colleges barely passed the tobacco-control check, and cigarette stubs were found at 73.2 percent of campuses, especially in the male student dormitories.

The report said the assessment included stubs found indoors, smoking indoors, anti-tobacco billboards, ashtrays, no tobacco advertising on campus, outdoor smoking zones and rules to stop smoking on campus.

Xu Guihua, vice-director of CTA, said the check was recorded by video and was conducted without any prior notification, the paper said.