Bush-Putin meeting mixed with smile and strife

2007-06-08 09:54:11

US President George W. Bush (L) shakes hands with President of Russia Vladimir Putin at the G8 summit in Heiligendamm June 7, 2007. [Reuters]

G8 summit mixed with smile and strife

2007-06-07 10:50:40

G8 heads of states and their partners pose for a photograph before an official dinner in Hohen Luckow June 6, 2007. Front row L-R: British Prime Minister Tony Blair, his wife Cherie, Merkel's husband Joachim Sauer, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Nicolas Sarkozy. 2nd row L-R: Prodi's wife Flavia, Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi, Russian President Vladimir Putin, his wife Lyudmila, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, Sarkozy' wife Cecilia. 3rd row L-R: Harper's wife Laureen, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Bush's wife Laura, US President George W. Bush, Barroso's wife Margarida Sousa Uva, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, his wife Akie (obscured). [Reuters]

Anti-US protest in Prague

2007-06-05 13:45:46

Demonstrators take part in an anti-US protest in Prague June 4, 2007. Hundreds of Czechs protested peacefully on Monday against US plans for a missile defence shield, rallying near Prague's historic castle hours before US President George W. Bush was due to arrive in the capital. [Reuters]

Putin meets with media from G8 countries

2007-06-04 17:13:56

Russian President Vladimir Putin gives an interview to selected media from Group of Eight countries in his Novo-Ogaryovo residence outside Moscow as Stefan Aust (R), editor-in-chief of the weekly news magazine Der Spiegel listens to him in this photo released June 4, 2007. Putin set the stage for a frosty G8 summit this week by launching broadsides at the West over missile defence, Kosovo and democratic standards. [Reuters]

Middle East Quartet in Berlin

2007-05-31 11:35:22

Participants attend a news conference after a meeting of the "Nahost-Quartetts" (Middle East Quartet) in Berlin May 30, 2007. The members are (from L-R): U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, High Representative for European Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana and EU Commissioner for External Relations Benita Ferrero-Waldner. [Reuters]

Russia says new ICBM can beat any system

2007-05-30 07:10:38

Russia tested new missiles Tuesday. Russia's President Putin warned that U.S. plans for an anti-missile shield in Europe would turn the region into a "powder keg."

43rd Conference on Security Policy in Munich

2007-06-01 14:12:54

US Defence Secretary Robert Gates holds his speech during the 43rd Conference on Security Policy in Munich February 11, 2007. [Reuters]

Eighth RUSI Missile Defence Conference

2007-06-01 17:40:19

Lieutenant General Henry Obering, Director of the US Missile Defence Agency, speaks at the Eighth RUSI (Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies) Missile Defence Conference in central London February 27, 2007. [Reuters]

Protest rally in Prague

2007-06-01 14:24:14

An activist holds a banner during a rally against the possible location of a U.S. missile defence radar system in the Czech Republic on Wenceslas Square in Prague January 29, 2007. [Reuters]