Russia successfully tests Bulava missile

Updated: 2011-08-27 17:04


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MOSCOW - The Russian nuclear submarine Yuri Dolgoruky successfully test-launched a second Bulava intercontinental ballistic missile early Saturday, the Defense Ministry said.

A defense ministry spokesman said the test marked the first time the Bulava missile had been launched at the maximum distance from the White Sea to the Pacific Ocean, where the weapon successfully reached its target.

The Bulava, expected to become Russia's main naval strategic missile, is capable of carrying 10 warheads with a range of 8,000 km. Only eight of its previous 15 launches were officially declared successful.

The first test launch of the Bulava from the Yuri Dolgoruky was conducted on June 28. The missiles previously were launched from the Typhoon class submarine Dmitry Donskoy.

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