Best bets

( China Daily ) Updated: 2016-11-26 07:14:43

Best bets

The Little Singers of Paris 2016 In Suzhou

Date: Nov 30 - 7:30 pm

Venue: Zhangjiagang poly Theater

Price: 30 - 480 yuan

The boys choir was created in 1907 and is now famous worldwide. Each world tour is a huge success. The choristers are between 9 and 15 years old and are proud of their choir's long history: over 100 years and still fulfilling childhood dreams. They have to leave their families behind in order to be part of this extraordinary adventure: traveling, sharing their passion for singing and enabling others to discover the joys of music. Despite its long history, this boys choir continues to evolve with its time and spreads, wherever it goes, a message of love, peace and fraternity, so welcome in our tormented world.

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