Chicken farm success story

2011-09-09 13:15:11

Zhu Yun, who became famous for being fired from her job at the local tax office in Guizhou province, is now famous for her success in raising chickens in Huahongping village of Weining county, Southwest China's Guizhou province.

Soybean milk machines use carcinogenic lubricant

2011-09-09 11:52:04

Household appliances such as soybean milk machines and juice extractors have been made with industrial lubricant rather than lubricant for food, reported Thursday, citing a staff with Fuchs Petrolub AG (China).

Nike admits to false advertising

2011-09-09 11:19:26

Nike China, a leading sportswear and equipment supplier, released a statement on Thursday admitting to false advertising, reported.

More police dogs to go on street patrols

2011-09-09 10:52:55

By the end of 2011, police dogs will be taken on street patrols in Beijing, in addition to motor vehicle, motorcycle and foot patrols, reports.

China getting more competitive - report

2011-09-08 18:09:05

The Chinese mainland progresses steadily in global competitiveness while the United States continues the decline that began in 2008

China investigates EU steel dumping

2011-09-08 18:09:05

The Ministry of Commerce says it has begun an inquiry into the alleged dumping of some steel tubes from Europe and Japan.

China sets five-year energy-saving goal

2011-09-08 18:09:05

China pledged to reduce energy consumption per unit of GDP by 16 percent in the five years to the end of 2015, the State Council said in a scheme on Sep 7.

New material industry to boost economy

2011-09-08 18:09:05

China will increase the output of advanced new materials by 25 percent annually to 2 trillion yuan ($313 billion) by 2015, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said on Wednesday.

China faces maximum antidumping cases

2011-09-08 18:09:05

China was the target of the most antidumping investigations in the 16 years to 2010. The country was also the target of the most antisubsidy cases, the Ministry of Commerce said on Wednesday.

Suicide rate on the rise

2011-09-08 18:09:05

About 250,000 Chinese people kill themselves every year and 2 million attempt to do so, said a health report.

Singer couple's teenage son involved in beating

2011-09-08 11:32:55

A 15-year-old who was driving a BMW without a license was later found to be the son of Li Shuangjiang and Meng Ge, the famous singer couple, Beijing News reported.

China tightens grip on corrupt officials who flee

2011-09-08 11:15:33

China's top discipline body has urged provincial officials to develop plans to deal with corrupt officials who flee, People’s Daily reported on Thursday.