Boy determined to save up for surgery

2012-02-25 18:31:10

An orphan in Chongqing born with six fingers on his right hand is determined to rely on himself to save up for his surgery by collecting and selling used bottles.

Canada may revise law to stop Chinese births

2012-02-24 13:34:59

The Canadian government is planning to revise the law next year to crack down on Chinese women who travel to Canada to give birth so children automatically gain Canadian citizenship, Xinkuaibao newspaper in Guangzhou reported.

Family planning slogans to be overhauled

2012-02-24 12:37:43

Poorly worded slogans that advocate family planning in China are undergoing a makeover as the National Population and Family Planning Commission launches an in-depth analysis of the current slogans.

Rail ticket ID will stay on track

2012-02-17 11:16:07

Railway tickets issued with identity cards will be continued despite the peak Spring Festival travel season ending on Thursday, Beijing Times reports.

Son accused of murder after helping mother die

2012-02-16 13:53:49

A migrant worker in Guangzhou is accused of murder for helping his mother end her life, the Information Times reported.

Man wants ex-wife back for Valentine’s Day

2012-02-14 16:54:01

A man surnamed Liu in Dalian seeks to remarry his ex-wife after cutting off her hair and divorcing her, Liaoshen Evening News reported.

10,000 yuan roses are golden

2012-02-14 14:18:20

Special roses are priced at about 10,000 yuan ($1,589) for one bunch of 52 in Guilin, Guangxi province, around Valentine’s Day, reported on Tuesday.

City to offer reward for lost property

2012-02-13 16:30:23

People who hand in lost and found items will get a cash reward of 10 percent of the cost of the property under a proposal being considered in Guangzhou province.

70% Chinese men have intimate female friends

2012-02-13 16:15:35

As many as 70 percent of Chinese men have intimate female friends, Yangtze Evening News reported.

Film academy bans facelift and tattoo

2012-02-13 15:38:11

The country's future movie stars hoping to enter the renowned Beijing Film Academy will be disqualified if they have had a facelift or tattoo, Beijing News reports.

Website to promote premarital virginity

2012-02-10 17:08:55

A single freelance writer in Wuhan has sparked an online storm by setting up a website that promotes premarital virginity, Chutian Times newspaper reported.

Poll: Housing price delays marriage

2012-02-10 17:07:41

About half of the 20,000 people polled in a recent survey have to delay their wedding because of the high price of housing, Legal Evening News reported.