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Advice to students who fail gaokao

( Updated: 2014-08-04 17:09

oxixoca (China)

Having failed some exams during difficult circumstances all I can say is keep trying and don’t give up, I know the pressure can seem a lot but just keep trying.

My boyfriend failed his gaokao three times! This week he graduated from one of Chinas top university with a top degree.

See the failure as a learning opportunity to better yourself. Everyone fails at something. That’s how we learn, just watch a baby learning to walk, at first they crawl, then they start making their first steps. They fall down a lot but always get back up, because if they didn't then how would they learn how to walk? Imagine if they had given up.

Advice to students who fail gaokao

A student waits to sit the national college entrance exam outside Guangqumen Middle School in Beijing on Thursday. Zou Hong / China Daily

Advice to students who fail gaokao

Advice to students who fail gaokao

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