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One thousand people share birthday dumplings with the Goddess of Heaven

2013-07-09 16:16

First case of cell-regenerative cartilage implantation in Tianjin

2013-07-09 16:05

Saving love at a young age

2013-07-09 15:37

Grandpa Yang's Melodious Life

2013-07-09 15:34

American Football Sprouts up in Tianjin

2013-07-08 11:19American football is named literally as olive ball because of its shape.

Tai Kung Pao and Tianijn

2013-06-13 16:42Ta Kong Pao was first published in Tianjin on June 17 1912.

Nankai University

2013-06-13 16:42Nankai University

Vintage Postcards Awake Memories of Tianjin

2013-05-08 16:18These 5,000-plus postcards were carefully selected by Zhao Jianqiang from a larger pool of collections.

Free GPS Gadgets to Help Elders Get Home

2013-05-08 16:15Alzheimer's Disease is also called senile dementia, which affects a lot of elderly people.

Cell Therapy Helps Cure Cerebral Palsy

2013-05-08 16:14Cerebral Palsy is a type of neurological conditions that cause disabilities in children’s body movements and sensations.

Fighting Autism for Children in Tianjin

2013-05-08 16:12Like many other diseases, autism requires early diagnosis and treatment for recovery, the earlier the better.

Paper-cutting girls

2013-04-28 17:08A Chinese folk-style cheerleading performance themed Paper-cutting Girls was Performed by students from Xianshuigu No.1 High School in Tianjin.

The Jewish people in Tianjin

2013-04-22 18:01The Jewish people came to Tianjin after the city became a tresty port in 1896.

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