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China house records traditional Chinese ceramic culture
| Updated: 2016-11-22 16:31:32 | (chinadaily.com.cn) |

The "china house", decorated with thousands of antiques, in Tianjin was named the most fashionable work of cultural architecture in the world on Nov 19 during the 2016 Global Diplomat Chinese Culture Night activity.

The china house, constructed for 9.8 billion yuan ($1.4 billion), is a French-style house made from thousands of pieces of antique china and cement decorated with more than four thousand fragments of ancient porcelain, over four hundred white marble stone carvings, about forty tons of crystal and agate and 700 million ancient ceramic chips.

China house records traditional Chinese ceramic culture
The china house, located in Tianjin City, is a French-style house constructed with antiques and cement. [Photo/Xinhua]

None of the tiles is modern,and many were made by the traditional top five kilns in China. The house is an entire history of China's porcelain -- celadon in the Jin dynasty, three-colored pottery in the Tang Dynasty, jun porcelain and Longquan celadon in the Song Dynasty, the blue and white porcelain in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties and pastels in the Qing Dynasty.

The house's owner, Zhang lianzhi, said it is like a museum. He believes that museums are important in protecting and preserving culture inheritances and are bridges from the past to the future. They also play a significant role in international culture exchange.

China house records traditional Chinese ceramic culture
Thousands of porcelain vases are embedded in the wall of the china house. [Photo/Xinhua]

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