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Tianjin to build APEC Green Supply Chain Cooperation Network Demonstration Center
| Updated: 2016-10-13 12:45:44 | (chinadaily.com.cn) |

The APEC Green Supply Chain Cooperation Network Demonstration Center was one of the major achievements of the 2014 APEC informal leaders’ meeting.

The center will adopt a supply chain mode to promote its green development, which ranges from green standards, green designs, green purchasing, green trade, green manufacturing, green consumption, and green recycling to green remanufacturing. It will set up a green management and circulation for the whole life circle of products and develop a green mode of production and green lifestyle to develop harmony between man and nature. The construction of the demonstration center is also an important task of the Tianjin Pilot Free Trade Zone.

According to the Overall Plan for Tianjin Free Trade Zone, the city will actively promote the demonstration center project, strengthen its cooperation with APEC economies, encourage green trade, and explore a development path for green investment and trade facilitation. The Launching Workshop for APEC Cooperation Network on Green Supply Chain Tianjin Pilot Center was hosted by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the municipal government in Yujiapu Financial District in June, 2015. It marked the full implementation of the green supply chain cooperation network construction, which was proposed by the Beijing Declaration released at the 2014 APEC informal leaders’ meeting.

As the first APEC Low-Carbon Demonstration Town ( LCDT) by t he 9 t h A PE C E nerg y Ministerial Meeting in 2010. Under the guidance of the APEC’s secretariat and expert pannel, the low-carbon construction standards for the financial district has been made and are carried out in some APEC economies. The Yujiapu Financial District is home to a group of green development organizations, such as Tianjin Green Supply Chain Association, Tianjin Green Supply Chain Service Center, and Low-Carbon City Design Institute, which can provide professional services for the implementation of the Beijing Declaration, overall plan for the city, the construction of APEC Cooperation Network on Green Supply Chain Tianjin Pilot Center and the city’s green development.

Yujiapu Financial District covers an area of 3.8 square kilometers with a planned floorage of 9.5 million sq m. It is working to build a modern business environment featuring hydrophilia, livability, low carbon and sustainable ecology through implementing the concept of green supply chain in architectural design, building materials procurement, construction, operation and management. Green building is the major highlight of the District. The buildings in the starting area of Yujiapu Financial District were designed according to China’s green building standards and the US’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), and the coverage of green buildings reached 100 percent. In order to build according to the requirements of China’s green building standards, the District purchased green building materials for its five high-rise buildings and underground business street. The 100 million CNY procurement was the first one of its kind in China.

In addition, Yujiapu Financial District planned eight energy centers, which enable the District to use concentrated supply of energy instead of the traditional mode featuring installation of cooling and heating facilities in separate buildings. They will ensure the maximum utilization of energy and land. The District also encourages public transport and walking and has planned a public transport network consisting of subways, buses, rental bikes. The network will be connected to Yujiapu high-speed railway station on the extension line of Beijing-Tianjin High-Speed Railway, bringing the low-carbon transportation rate to more than 80 percent.


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