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Tianjin From foreign agencies
Successful Seniors
| Updated: 2016-09-01 16:41:07 | By David Wong and Carmen King (JIN Magazine) |

Canada and USA

In Canada there is generally no mandatory retirement age, as long as the employee is physically and mentally capable to carry out his or her work duties, they are entitled to work. They cannot be discriminated on the basis of age. That is why it is not uncommon to see men and women in their 70’s or 80’s still working in government or teaching at universities. Wal-Mart is renowned for hiring seniors to work as store greeters and providing customers with information once they enter.

With a smaller workforce pool, Canada recognizes that seniors have a great deal to offer such as experience, greater knowledge and enhancing company history in keeping with maintaining company morale and consistent policies. They can also help with the labor demands and work on a part-time basis to supplement peak work periods. As a side note, China’s work force is declining and there is discussion of extending the retirement age as a means to compensate.

The government old age pension programs are flexible and can be paid as early as age 60 with a reduced payment amount or deferred till age 70 with an increased payment. Most pensioners opt for the traditional age 65 monthly payout and all pensions are adjusted annually for cost of living increases.

Many municipal services provide discounts for seniors, usually considered to be persons 65 years or older. Public transportation such as busses and rail will provide discount cards and free fares during non-peak travel times. Entertainment and recreation areas also provide discounts for seniors. Many of the fast food outlets compete for this market and have specials for seniors. McDonalds and Wendy’s offer discounted coffee and even free coffee with a meal. No, this has not caught on in China. But many parks and tourist attractions offer a senior discount, but usually define a senior as someone over 70 years old. The fast line at the airport that signifies: Pregnant, Disabled and Elderly uses the 70-year-old definition. In any case, if you are, or have visitors that are elderly and plan to see some tourist attractions, such as the Great Wall or Forbidden City, bring the passports and you will save some money on the entrance fee.

Successful Seniors
China Seniors

Senior Communities

In North America, over 10% of all seniors live in a community specifically designed for them. In the past, these were referred to as the “Old Folks Home”. They are now very modern and considered a complete community for the elderly. It is usually restricted to those aged 50 and above. The facility is comprised of three parts. One is a very normal independent apartment or townhouse area that has some common services such as a dining room, games and community services and access to public transportation. The second area is a semi care facility with access to medical services. The third area is meant for the residents with more serious medical problems or suffering Dementia/Alzheimer’s and may be bedridden and will require regular medical care.

At present, only 1% of China’s elderly live in senior facilities but this type of living is growing fast and presents many challenges and opportunities. As China’s economy grows and people have greater incomes and higher standards of living, this type of accommodation for seniors is very attractive and possible. For the young busy couple, trying to make their fortune and wanting to ensure their retired parents are cared for in a safe and fulfilling manner this is one way of meeting their filial responsibilities.

The challenge is not everyone has the financial capability because these facilities are expense and you need to ensure that the operators are honest, trustworthy and provide a legitimate service. Since this is a very new concept in China, there is not much history to verify performance. Even abroad where these senior living communities are quite common, quality of care, especially in terms of avoiding abuse is very challenging to find. This is why, even if one has the financial means to do so, sending a senior to the “old folk’s home” sometimes isn’t an ideal solution.


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