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Tianjin Sports
A Baseball Dream Come True
| Updated: 2016-09-01 15:42:02 | By Carmen King (JIN Magazine) |

Baseball is known as America’s pastime. These days many players get paid millions to play the game. In this respect, baseball has gone from game to business. Massive modern stadiums have long since replaced local parks as the venue for games. Everything from tickets, to collectible cards, memorabilia, even home run balls caught by a fan can bring big bucks. Though playing baseball can mean big money abroad things in China are quite dif-ferent. Players in China, which includes those playing on Tianjin’s team, are playing because of a love for the game rather than an opportunity to become rich and famous. JIN magazine had the opportunity to interview one of the best-known Chinese baseball players, who plays for the Tianjin Lions. We thank Mr. Hou for taking the time to share his story and along the way shed light on baseball’s history in China.

JIN: Please introduce yourself.

HFL: My name is Hou Fenglian.I was born on July 11, 1980 in Tianjin’s Xiqing district. I was 10 years old when I started playing baseball. In 1996 I joined the Tianjin team and in 2002 made the national team. As part of the Tianjin team I won 5 championships in CBL(china baseball league). In 2008 I was cho-sen to be part of the China Olympic Baseball Team. Personally, I’ve won the award of Most Valuable Player (MVP) and most bases stolen. Currently, I am both team player and coach for the Tianjin Lions.

A Baseball Dream Come True
Hou Fenglian, one of the best-known Chinese baseball players of the Tianjin Lions.

JIN: Please share your baseball story.

HFL: When I was seven, nobody was playing baseball, so I was busy with soccer. Then one day the elementary baseball coach saw me throwing rocks, noticing I was throwing them really far. Based on this, he wanted me to start practicing baseball. To my surprise, I quickly fell in love with baseball and forget about soccer. At 10 years old, I was one of the kids to make up the first Xiqing district baseball team. Around the year 1990, there were only about 400 to 500 kids playing baseball throughout the whole of Tianjin.

JIN: What’s the difference between baseball now and when you were younger?

HFL: Things are totally different. The kids now have it way better. They get specialized training, top grade equipment, and decent fields. When I was little, our bats, balls and gear were all used. Most of what we had been given to use was from Japan. The teams there would give us their old gear. At the time, new gear wasn’t available to buy. Now the government is supporting baseball financially, plus parents are willing to pitch in too.

JIN: How did you go from baseball enthusiast to professional?

HFL: From the years ‘94 to ‘96 there were a lot of good ball players in Tainjin. Unfortu-nately, I was short, thin, and lacked power so the pro team didn’t want me. All I could do was keep training myself, every day I would ride my bike to Nankai school to work out. Then in ‘96 I got my break, a trainer in Guangdong wanted me to go play there. I had mixed feelings about it, a bit like I was turning my back on Tianjin. Fortunately, the guys in Tianjin had similar feelings and didn’t want to see me go. In the end I got a shot to play for the Tianjin team. Others have said I’m a natural born talent. The reality is though, it has simply been the result of a lot of hard work. JIN: What tips do you have for other kids? HFL: Kids need to take training seriously by studying the pros and imitating good tech-niques, along the way honing their own playing style, and getting better with time.

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