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Tianjin to welcome Dragon Boat Festival holiday
| Updated: 2015-06-19 17:09:05 | By Liu Yiyi (chinadaily.com.cn) |

Tianjin to welcome Dragon Boat Festival holiday

Tourists can watch the "Tianjin eye", a Tianjin landmark through the windows of a Haihe cruise. [Photo provided to China Daily]

Tianjin to welcome Dragon Boat Festival holiday

Tourists can enjoy beautiful scenery of the Haihe River on a Haihe cruise. [Photo provided to China Daily]

Tianjin to welcome Dragon Boat Festival holiday

Tourists watch blooming flowers and ancient architectures in the Five Avenue area of Tianjin. [Photo by Yue Yuewei/Xinhua]

The Dragon Boat Festival holiday is just around the corner. The Tianjin Municipal Tourism Bureau has cooperated with local tourism departments to launch products featuring Tianjin's history, culture, resources, and festive atmosphere. A series of events will focus on scenery and culture.

The events will include historical and cultural tours to sites in Tianjin such as the Five Avenue area, former residence of famous artist Li Shutong, Memorial Hall of Liang Qichao, Memorial Hall of martial arts legend Huo Yuanjia, and the Palace of Prince Zhuang.

In addition, the events will guide tourists to taste urban life in Tianjin. Tourists will watch dragon boat competitions, campus pageants, and baby talent shows. They will also visit the Tianjin Museum, Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao Memorial Hall, and historical sites of the Pingjin Battle.

Moreover, tourists can enjoy the scenery along the Haihe River. Traveling with the Haihe cruise, tourists can watch the beautiful scenery of the Haihe River, Bohai Sea, and Tianjin Port both in the daytime and at night.

When tourists enjoy the Haihe, they can also tour the Tianjin Airport Industrial Area, taste the Tianjin style folk culture at Yangliuqing village, and visit the former residence of famous playwright Cao Yu.

Furthermore, trips may be personalized for families. The Binhai Aircraft Carrier Park, Shuimofang Theme Park, Fantawild Theme Park, Polar Sea World, and Longda Hot Spring Park will hold special events to attract children and families.

The events contain trips featuring suburban scenery and outdoor activities. Tianjin Tropical Botanical Garden, Baxian Mountain Tourism Area, Pan Mountain Tourism Area, and Huangyaguan Great Wall will launch special activities to welcome the holiday.


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