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Money in marriage
| Updated: 2014-08-05 15:59:46 | By Carmen King (Jin Magazine) |

Is there money to be made in marriage? In this day and age of commercialism the answer is a resounding "yes". Not only is there money to be made, the stats seem to reveal it isn't a small figure. There is big money in marriage. Sound romantic? Not necessarily. However, as the saying goes in both English and Chinese, sometimes the truth hurts.

A brief sit down with the wedding business veteran Mr Pan Shuhui of Tianjin’s Wedding Hotel revealed a lot about the money to be made in marriage. The first mind blowing statistic relates to the number of couples tying the knot countrywide in China. It is estimated that 16.5 million yuan($2.66 million) couples say "I do" in the mainland each year. How about in Tianjin? Tianjin newlyweds are approximated to be 120,000 couples per year. With the average cost of a wedding being 100,000 yuan that equates to an estimated 12 billion yuan per year being spent on weddings! That figure is big enough to get the blood pumping in the hearts of expat and local entrepreneurs alike.

Money in marriage

Drinking wedlock wine. [Photos provided to China Daily]

Where is all the money in marriage? Let’s take a look at what a typical wedding in Tianjin includes and how that results in no small sum of money going from the newlywed’s pockets into the boss’s bank account. The list is long of ways to spend money related to a wedding.

Let's take the photos for example. It is customary in Tianjin to take photos in advance of the wedding day, perhaps as much as several months in advance. This is due to the desire to "show" the photos to all the guests on the wedding day. Pictures can run a hefty 5000-10,000 yuan depending on the package chosen. The cheaper rate will get you a day of photos at various scenic spots in and around Tianjin. Springing for the bigger package brings a three day "photo trip" to include sea-side shots and travel outside the city. Either package includes garment rental, makeup, a printed photo book and surprisingly all the digital rights for your photos!

While still photos can capture the moment in a moment, with the digital age comes the new trend of "mini-movies" being produced.

A "Mini-movie" turns the couple's tale of falling in love into a short movie for all to enjoy. It is often shot in advance of the wedding day, so that it too can be shown on the blessed day of matrimony.

A "mini-movie" is typically at least five minutes in length, but no more than 10 minutes. There is big money in these marriage related "mini-movies", as the production fee is calculated per minute at 1,000 yuan/minute. So our happy love birds will need anywhere from 5,000-10,000 yuan to make their movie dreams come true. The filming of the movie typically takes place where the couple "fell in love", be it at a McDonald's, a College Campus, or elsewhere. Shot onsite, the couple will re-enact their blissful days of falling in love as the camera crew captures it all in digital glory.

Money in marriage

The groom shows his love to the bride.

Our money in marriage doesn’t stop with photos, as we next have the wedding wardrobe. Couples in Tianjin can choose from Chinese or Western style garments.

If Chinese is the choice, there are various styles to choose from based on the different Chinese dynasties such as the Tang Dynasty(AD 618-907) or Ming Dynasty(1368-1644). Regardless, of style, the Chinese color of choice is red for the bride, as this is a symbol of "joy" in Chinese culture. Such a Chinese style wedding dress rental will cost about 500 yuan and another 500 yuan for the male’s matching threads, bringing the total to 1,000 yuan.

If Western style is your choice, a white wedding gown will be provided for the bride and a classic tuxedo will be worn by the groom. The cost here is slightly higher, as the wedding dress might range from 1,000-3,000 yuan and the tux from 500-800 yuan, and this is for a one-day rental.

All dressed up and ready to go, it is time for the bride and groom to get to their wedding and do so in style. Taking a taxi would be rather tacky, so "wedding cars" must be rented. Limos are so "out". Instead sport roadsters or high-end luxury sedans are the auto of choice for the trendy of today.

For a quick jaunt from house to hotel (or where ever else the event is being held) a high-end head turning hot rod is going to set one back anywhere from 2,000-4,000 yuan. Without that limo, where do all the friends fit? Of course you need to rent a few cars for them as well to follow along so as to fill out this festive fleet. These "follower" cars are typically rented in quantities of 6, 8, 10, or 20, as odd numbers are considered "unlucky". Each of these cars can run about 200-400 yuan. So cash spent on cars can add up fast!

Money in marriage

The wedding ceremony.

What is a wedding without a ceremony and feast for all in attendance?! A typical wedding in Tianjin will have at least 200 people in attendance and might even have as many as a several thousand guests for those not short on funds and being part of the "in" crowd. Tables are often arranged with 10 per table, and food fees may run anywhere from 200 to 300 yuan per person. Don’t forget the liquor for each table either. Prices range greatly based on what type of alcohol is selected. However an average cost would be about 1,000 yuan per table. No Chinese wedding ceremony would be complete without the "host".

These professional "hosts" are the chairman of the "ceremony" which lasts 45 minutes in duration. A "host" fee can range from 1,000-3,000 yuan depending on their experience and skill.

If the darling couple to be still has some money burning a hole in their pockets, have no fear, the "light show" is here! Yes, the latest and greatest in marriage madness is a high-end, super fantastic light extravaganza! However get your check books ready, as a fleeting five minute razzle dazzle light show will cost a whopping 10,000 yuan! Who said love was cheap?

So our tale of money in marriage is told, with big money and big profits being made by businessmen throughout Tianjin. Locals aren’t the only ones spending big money on marriage and tying the knot in Tianjin. As Mr. Pan of the Wedding Hotel states 30 percent of the weddings he hosts have one party who is of foreign nationality. Interestingly, of these expats saying "I do" in Tianjin, approximately 80 percent are male, and 20 percent are female. These "international marriages" also seem to be on the rise, as more and more expats find love abroad. Yet in the end, with the cold hard numbers revealing just how much money can be spent on a marriage, only one word comes to mind, elope.


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