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Tianjin Culture
The Samaranch Memorial
| Updated: 2013-06-06 09:54:17 | By Monica Wang (JIN Magazine) |

Juan Antonio Samaranch is one of the greatest figures in the history of the modern Olympics. He was a reformist who led the Olympic movement into a new golden age and a true believer that sport should transcend all political boundaries. During his twenty-one years at the helm of the International Olympic Committee, he promoted equal opportunity and fair play for all. His achievements, talents and contributions have earned him worldwide recognition and his influence will not be soon forgotten.

Although Tianjin had little to do with Samaranch, we are proud to have the Samaranch Memorial in our city. However, according to Mr. Wu Ching-kuo, the Taiwanese president of the International Boxing Association and a good friend of Samaranch, Tianjin has an important place in the development of modern Chinese sport and the successful holding of the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008. He believes that Tianjin's rich cultural and sporting history deserves to be part of the history of the Olympic Games. Now, thanks to Mr Wu, Tianjiners can see many important possessions from Samaranch's life as a dedicated sports enthusiast. Appropriately, this is the city's second memorial to the Olympics, as there is an Olympic Games Memorial in Dagang District, Tianjin, which was also initiated by Mr. Wu.

The new memorial is located in Tuanbo, Jinghai District and has an exhibition area of 3500m2. The main body of the memorial was designed by a team from Archiland International, led by the famous Danish architect Morten Holm. The design of the main building is based on the five Olympic rings and the building is in the shape of two linked rings, which form the figure eight. A beautiful Olympic garden surrounds the memorial, creating a quiet and peaceful environment where one can ponder the achievements of the great man.

All the exhibits came from Samaranch's private collection. Among the 16000 collectibles entrusted to Mr Wu Ching-kuo by Samaranch's daughter, 5000 pieces were selected for display and are presented in a timeline of Samaranch's life. The exhibit includes books and many stamps. There are also souvenirs and paintings that were gifts from leaders of the many countries he visited. As a sports enthusiast, Samaranch was an avid participant in various sports from his student days and his boxing gloves and hockey stick are also on display.

During his 21 years as the president of IOC, Samaranch successfully resolved several major crises. During the Cold War in the early 1980's, Samaranch dealt with countries in conflict and, with his insistence that sport and politics do not mix, helped remove political obstacles that stood in the way of them competing in the Olympic Games. With his experience and talent in business, he promoted the commercialization of the Olympic Games and saved the IOC from financial crisis. As an advocator of fair play, he actively participated in the investigation of the scandal that tainted Salt Lake's successful bid for the 2002 Winter Olympic Games. These events are highlights of the exhibition with many detailed and relevant displays. Furthermore, to enhance the experience of visitors and to facilitate their understanding, there are a number of high-tech interactive technologies employed.

As you would expect, a Spanish restaurant is ready to open at the site and the expected chef from Spain is expected to bring to it the authentic flavors of Samaranch's hometown. The souvenir shop is worth a bit of time and money as the many collectibles such as notebooks, mugs, key rings and T shirts are well designed and reasonably priced. Spanish imported groceries are also available and are sure to be popular purchases for the visitors.


l Transportation: Zhong Shi You Bridge—Jin Lai Road—Tuan Bo Avenue – Sports Avenue

l Tickets: RMB 60

l Closed on Mondays

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