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Nongfu Spring comes out clean on final test

2009-December-2 15:40:48

Haikou's Industrial & Commercial Administration Bureau released test results on Dec 1 issued by the National Food Quality Supervision and Inspection Center (NFQSIC) on two Nongfu Spring beverage products - Shuirong C100 in grapefruit flavor (a water-soluble vitamin C drink) and Nongfu Orchard 30% Mixed Fruit & Vegetable Juice. Both products were alleged to contain large amounts of arsenic.

Nongfu Spring comes out clean on final test

Nongfu Orchard

The NFQSIC test results showed the arsenic level in the two products was below the accepted level of 0.2 mg per liter.

Samples of the same lot, which had been tested for arsenic in excess of the allowable limits by the Hainan Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau test lab on Nov 23, were ordered to be taken off the shelves immediately. Nongfu Spring Co protested the decision.

At a Nov 30 meeting, Nongfu Spring announced the test results released by the NFQSIC proved the two products in question were free of the poisonous chemical.

Haikou's Industrial & Commercial Administration Bureau denied the refute and said the test results of the samples Haikou's Industrial & Commercial Administration Bureau submitted to the NFQSIC should be final .

After the test results were released, Haikou's Industrial & Commercial Administration Bureau notified retailers to put the two products back on store shelves.

Nongfu Spring is a leading beverage manufacture based in Hangzhou, capital city of Zhejiang province. Top products of the company include Nongfu Spring and Nongfu Orchard beverages.

By Li Hui


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