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Party marks 88th birthday of Thailand's King

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-12-08

The Royal Thai Consulate General in Xiamen held a party in Xiamen, Fujian province on Dec 4 to celebrate the 88th birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej of the Kingdom of Thailand, as well as to show gratitude for China’s support to Thailand and the consulate.

Ni Chao, vice mayor of Xiamen, delivered a speech at the party, "The friendship between Xiamen and Thailand has a long history. As of October 2015, Xiamen had attracted 34 Thailand-based companies to settle down with a total investment of $93.24 million. In the first 10 months of 2015, the trade volume between the two sides topped $2.03 billion with a year-on-year growth of 63.12 percent."

"This is also a special year as it marks the 40th anniversary of China -Thailand diplomatic relations, bringing a golden opportunity for enhanced cooperation between Xiamen and Thailand," added Ni.

Song Kening, director general of the Foreign Affairs Office of Fujian Provincial People's Government, Chi Chiew Sum, consul-general of the Singapore Consulate General in Xiamen and Julius Caesar Flores, the Philippine consul general in Xiamen were also in attendance.

Thailand students of Huaqiao University, Jimei University and Xiamen University presented dances to celebrate the king's birthday.

Party marks 88th birthday of Thailand's King

The Royal Thai Consulate General in Xiamen holds a party in Xiamen, Fujian province on Dec 4 to celebrate the 88th birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej of the Kingdom of Thailand. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

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