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Taiwan freight vehicles wheel into Pingtan

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-04-29

Two trucks from Taiwan hit the road in the Pingtan Comprehensive Pilot Zone on April 16, following a policy in Fujian province that allows freight vehicles to drive in Pingtan.

Taiwan freight vehicles wheel into Pingtan

Containers are unloaded from a truck from Taiwan at a port in Pingtan, Fujian province, April 16. [Photo/ptnet.cn]

The trucks were transported by the Natchan Rera, a high-speed roll-on/roll-off passenger ferry, which docked at a terminal at Aoqian town at 12 pm.

After going through customs and quarantine procedures which took no more than 30 minutes, the trucks got off the ship and were thoroughly sterilized. They were then allowed to drive away with temporary plates.

Each of the trucks was loaded with two containers of a size of around 25 sq m, with products bound for a duty-free market in Aoqian town.

The new policy which gives the green light to cross-Straits road freight has helped raise work efficiency and cut logistics costs, according to Chen Xiangquan, manager of a local logistics company in Pingtan.

“After we round out cargo procurement in Taiwan, we can load them onto the trucks which will be directly moved to our clients in Pingtan without extra work at the port area like before,” said Chen.

Chen attributed the convenience to sound cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan’s transportation authorities

He revealed that it only took him three working days to obtain the cross-Straits freight transportation permit in Taiwan. And the trucks were cleared within two hours arrival in Pingtan.

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