IP Scene (2014-08-27)2014-08-27

Intellectual property protection news around the nation.

Facekini inventor considers patent protection move2014-08-27

A 58-year-old woman from Qingdao became famous overnight, after she was revealed as the inventor of the facekini, which made waves in the international fashion community.

Problematic path to GM rice commercialization2014-08-27

As China's only two safety certificates for genetically innovated rice expired in mid-August, scientists voiced concerns over GM rice commercial farming.


It is an overview of IP news at home and abroad.

Pharmaceutical enterprises: learn to fight with "combination style" in IP protection2014-08-21

The recent IP litigation battles between domestic biopharmaceutical companies have become much ado and deadlocked.

Between Market and Authority2014-08-21

Copyright collective management contract is trust contract and exclusive,any self-use will become illegal.

American Intellectual Property Law (2nd Edition)2014-08-19

The introduction of American Intellectual Property Law (2nd Edition).

What the great learning teaches is to illustrate illustrious virtue2014-08-19

Professor Li Mingde is currently a researcher and chief IP law expert.

The dilemma and outlet for IP protection in China's furniture industry2014-08-19

"Plagiarism" has been a major and widespread problem in China's furniture industry and for a long time it has been difficult to solve.

Plight of IP protection in China's furniture industry2014-08-19

Nowadays our humanity and personality are gaining more outlets for expression.

The J-Innovation

Steve Jobs died the month that the latest Nobel Prize winners were announced. The coincidence lends itself to speculation about inevitability.

Volunteer team bails out busy court

Government supports unique intellectual property fund

IP service providers showcase products

Experts call for standardization of IP services