China receives over 928,000 invention patent applications in 20142015-06-26

China received 928,000 invention patent applications, with a year-on-year growth of 12.5 percent.

Chinese experts urged legislation on trade secret protection2015-06-26

Chinese experts are urging legislation to protect trade secrets to deal with an increase in infringements and violations in recent years.

Patent examination center operated2015-06-26

The first patent examination cooperation center in western China started operation on March 20 in Chengdu.

China vows to step up judicial protection on IP2015-06-26

In 2014, China's court at all levels concluded 110,000 IP cases of first-instance, up 10 percent.

China to set up standardized IPR service system2015-06-26

China will initially establish an effective standardized IPR service system by the year of 2020.

Patent award established2015-06-26

The provincial government announced recently the establishment of a provincial patent award, which has begun on March 1.

China's R&D expenditure surges2015-06-26

The sum spent on research and development (R&D) in China rose 12.4 percent year on year in 2014.

Courts reveal work in 20142015-06-26

The 2014 work report for the people's courts showed that courts in China reached verdicts in the first hearings of 10,803 IP criminal cases, 94,501 civil cases and 4,887 administrative cases in 2014.

IP protection office set up2015-06-26

The Supreme People's Court set up a judicial protection research center for intellectual property rights on March 18.

Creatives sign up for Expo2015-06-26

The second Qingdao-Northeast Asia Copyright Creativity Fine Products Exhibition will be held on April 30.

The J-Innovation

Steve Jobs died the month that the latest Nobel Prize winners were announced. The coincidence lends itself to speculation about inevitability.

Volunteer team bails out busy court

Government supports unique intellectual property fund

IP service providers showcase products

Experts call for standardization of IP services