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Wenjiang industrial park cooperates with Taiwan

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2018-12-26

The Chengdu National Cross-Straits Science and Technology Park, located in Wenjiang district, Chengdu and covering an area of 35.57 square kilometers, is an important platform for economic and trade cooperation between Sichuan and Taiwan.

Wenjiang is Chengdu's first satellite city, and more than 30 merchants from Taiwan agreed to set up an investment industrial zone there in 1992.

In 1998, the investment industrial zone became the Chengdu National Cross-Straits Science and Technology Park, making it the only state-level cross-Straits science and technology industrial development park in the western region at that time. It signaled a new era of economic cooperation between Sichuan and Taiwan.

Wenjiang industrial park cooperates with Taiwan

The Chengdu National Cross-Straits Science and Technology Park serves as an important platform for commercial cooperation between Sichuan and Taiwan. [Photo/chinadaily.com.cn]

At present, the park has more than 1,500 registered enterprises, including over 40 renowned companies from Taiwan. In 2017, the park earned a total revenue of 78.5 billion yuan ($11.4 billion) and paid 2.5 billion yuan in taxes.

Earning several awards in the biological and medical fields, the park has further expanded cooperation with Taiwan enterprises in medical and health care.

At the beginning of 2018, the park was selected to lead the development of Chengdu's biological medicine and health industries by becoming Chengdu's health industry functional zone.

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