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Wenjiang celebrates Double Ninth Festival

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2018-10-18

Tianfu sub-district, Wenjiang held a group of activities to celebrate the annual Double Ninth Festival, also known as the Chongyang Fesitival, which is the ninth day of the ninth month in the Chinese lunar calendar. It especially signifies respect for seniors.

Contributing more than just warm social activities on the Double Ninth, Longyan village of Tianfu sub-district sent shoes to seniors over 80 years old in the village, hoping that the elders will live a long and healthy life.

Wenjiang celebrates Double Ninth Festival

Representatives of the village's elderly association arranged wonderful performances. [Photo/cnr.cn]

The village committee also brought holiday gifts and flowers to the older villagers, expressing their best wishes for a happy old age. Advanced individuals Tan Fuying and Feng Bihua of the village's senior citizen association were commended for their hard work and deep care for the elderly in Longyan village.

The representatives of the village's elderly association arranged wonderful performances including singing, dancing, a cheongsam fashion show, and aerobics.

The Jinfu community of Tianfu sub-district with its branch community school also put on an art show on the theme of the Double Ninth Festival, bringing out applause and laughter from the senior spectators.

Wenjiang celebrates Double Ninth Festival

A representative of the village committee brings flowers to the centenarians. [Photo/cnr.cn]

Wenjiang celebrates Double Ninth Festival
Longyan village sends shoes to seniors over 80 years old.[Photo/cnr.cn]

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