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Wenjiang celebrates Mid-Autumn Festival

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2018-09-26

Tianfu sub-district, Wenjiang held a gala at Xingfu Square on Sept 20 to celebrate the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival.

A traditional Chinese holiday, Mid-Autumn Festival is the fifth day of the eighth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, which falls on Sept 24 this year. People will gather to solve lantern riddles, eat mooncakes, engage in lantern festivities, and admire the full moon.

Wenjiang celebrates Mid-Autumn Festival
Traditional Chinese dance performance. [Photo/cnr.cn]

Local communities, schools, service centers, and social organizations held various performances including recitals, traditional Chinese dancing, clapper talk, and singing.

The performances and award-winning quiz during the gala attracted huge audiences.

The gala was aimed at promoting traditional culture and creating a harmonious neighborhood environment.

Wenjiang celebrates Mid-Autumn Festival
A local performs at the gala. [Photo/cnr.cn]

Wenjiang celebrates Mid-Autumn Festival
Locals sing on stage. [Photo/cnr.cn]

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