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Wenjiang holds the fourth farming culture festival

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2018-06-11

Helin village, Wanchun town, Wenjiang district in Chengdu held the fourth farming culture festival on May 6, attracting the participation of nearly 10,000 residents and tourists.

The festival included many thematic activities, among which, Man Vs. Machine rice seedlings transplanting game and catching fish in rice fields game came out as the most popular.

Wenjiang holds the fourth farming culture festival
Participants in action. [Photo/news.chengdu.cn]

“Although people nowadays all use machines to transplant rice seedlings, with this tradition can be lost. Every year, we will still leave a few rice fields to transplant by hand and friends from cities can also join us,” said a local resident in Wanchun town.

Wenjiang holds the fourth farming culture festival

Helin village, Wanchun town, Wenjiang district, Chengdu, is full of farming culture. [Photo/news.chengdu.cn]

Farming games and experiences allow participants to enjoy farming and open up a new year of hope.

Wenjiang holds the fourth farming culture festival

The beautiful rice fields in Helin village, Wanchun town, Wenjiang district, Chengdu. [Photo/news.chengdu.cn]

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