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New tourism project brings light to Wenjiang

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2017-09-06

A ceremony for the launch of Chengdu Star Film and Culture City was held in the Wenjiang district on Aug 30.

Located in the northern region of the district, the tourism project is adjacent to the Guose Tianxiang Holiday Resort, featuring theatres, bars and other recreational facilities. Chengdu Star Film and Culture City will also provide television program production services for the region.

The project will be divided into tourism and culture sections. Performances, such as Chengdu Impression and Belt and Road-themed shows, can be viewed in the city, in addition to cultural investment projects to further promote Chengdu's industry.

New tourism project brings light to Wenjiang

A groundbreaking ceremony for Chengdu Star Film and Culture City is held in Chengdu's Wenjiang district on Aug 30. [Photo/wenjiang.gov.cn]

New tourism project brings light to Wenjiang

A design rendering of the Chengdu Star Film and Culture City project. [Photo/wenjiang.gov.cn]

Edited by Zachary Dye

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