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Wenjiang hosts half marathon

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-10-22

The Wenjiang Half Marathon was held on Oct 18, with over 600 participants taking part, wenjiang.gov.cn reported.

An 8 km event was also held for those interested in taking part for fun.

Yang Xiang won the half marathon with a time of one hour and nine minutes. Yang Xiaohua, winner of the 8 km event, completed the run n in 28 minutes and 30 seconds. The winners won 6000 yuan ($158) and 2000 yuan as awards respectively.

The event attracted the largest number of participants in west China. Apart from locals, some overseas participants and domestic runners from outside of Sichuan province added appeal to the event.

A Wenjiang green lane of 6.7 kilometers was allocated as a training area where participants could warm up before running.

The half marathon was part of the series of activities called “2015 Chengdu Wenjiang Gold Autumn”. Wenjiang has also hosted other activities including the Wenjiang Delicacies Exhibition, the Wenjiang bonsai exhibition and the Wenjiang Innovation Salon.

The district is planning to host the 2015 China Equestrian Festival from November 6 to 19 (tentative dates) at the Chengdu Golden Horse International Equestrian Park.

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