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Wenjiang launches innovation seminar at universities

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-10-20

A series program sponsored by the Wenjiang Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and the youth league’s Wenjiang committee was recently launched at Sichuan Agricultural University.

Wu Kailei, a well-known intellectual property lawyer and head of the patents department of CHOFN, a patent application agency, gave a lecture at the university.

He explained the importance of IP protection for start-up companies via case studies involving internet giants such as Apple, Xiaomi, and AIibaba.com.

“Only if we understand the necessity of IP protection, can we expect long-term development of our businesses, ” said Wu.

The innovation seminar is part of Wenjiang district’s Youth’s Innovation Dreams Series Program. The program aims to bond young students with successful business leaders and thus help them succeed in their own businesses.

The program will be held in other Wenjiang institutions including Southwest Finance University and Chengdu Normal University.

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