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Oktoberfest comes to Chengdu

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-08-25

Munich Beerfest, or Oktoberfest, one of the world's most famous beer festivals held annually in Munich, Germany, was staged in Chengdu, capital of Southwestern China's Sichuan province, on Aug 21.

Oktoberfest comes to Chengdu

People raise their glasses during the Munich Beerfest in Chengdu, Sichuan province on Aug 21. [Photo/Xinhua]

The beer served during the event is specially prepared in Germany and directly delivered to Chengdu to guarantee its fresh taste. Oxen, veal and roast chicken cooked in Bavarian style, along with Chengdu cold dishes and grilled squid, are also on menu to satisfy people's taste buds.

German waitresses and live bands are also invited to Chengdu to showcase the Bavarian culture.

Oktoberfest comes to Chengdu

A live band from Munich performs on stage at the Chengdu Munich Beerfest. [Photo/Xinhua]

Liu Qiang, director of the Chengdu tourism bureau, said Chengdu plans to make the Beerfest an attraction occasion for Chengdu’s tourism, turning it into an annual event. It is expected to welcome 600,000 visitors this year.

This year, the organizer of the event – Chengdu people's government – cooperates with designated driver companies to ensure that participants get back home safely after drinking at the beer festival.

The event will last 15 days and end on Sept 5.

Oktoberfest comes to Chengdu

Waitresses dressed in traditional Bavarian costumes serve the visitors. [Photo/Xinhua]

By Shi Zihan and edited by Mevlut Katik

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