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Migrant workers in Wenjiang celebrate Spring Festival

Updated: 2015-02-10

The Spring Festival is approaching. Foreign migrant workers who did not have the chance to reunite with their families find their own ways to celebrate the upcoming Spring Festival. One such activity took place in Wenjiang district in Chengdu, Sichuan province.

Yongquan Community in the Wenjiang organized a Spring Festival celebration on Feb 3. More than 200 migrant workers originally from other cities or provinces gathered to make dumplings, watch performances and play games to welcome the Chinese New Year, the most important date in the Chinese lunar calendar.

The celebration was hosted by Sichuan Guanghua Social Service Center to express care and gratitude to those workers who contributed to the city’s development and to give them a sense of belonging at a time when they are far apart from their families and hometowns.

By Shi Zihan and edited by Mevlut Katik

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