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Wenjiang lends a helping hand to Sertar's medical services

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-09-11

A supporting-Tibet medical team formed by Wenjiang’s public health bureau, people’s hospital, hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, and center for disease control and prevention was sent to Sertar county in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture on Sept 1 to offer medical assistance.

Wenjiang’s supporting-Tibet medical team and Sertar’s public health and family planning bureau held a meeting on Sept 3, where the current medical and health conditions in Sertar were discussed. The available medical resources there cannot meet people’s basic needs for medical and health services.

The director of Wenjiang’s public health bureau said at the meeting that the medical team will teach without reservation the most advanced medical technologies to local medical workers. In addition, Wenjiang will immediately increase the intensity of its support.

At the meeting, Wenjiang also donated aid funds and medical devices to Sertar.

By Shi Zihan and edited by Brian Salter

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