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Emergency exercise held at Floraland

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-07-16

An emergency exercise was held in Floraland, an amusement park in Wenjiang, on Tuesday. The exercise simulated several extreme cases where related personnel set off to handle situations and successfully completed their mission.

The simulated cases included flooding in Floraland, an explosion and hostage-taking, and visitors being stuck in a broken Ferris wheel. The exercise practiced the treatment of terrorists and explosive ordnance disposal, which were newly-added items compared with the emergency exercises of recent years.

The emergency exercise this year was organized by the Chengdu tourism bureau and Wenjiang district government. The number of participating staff exceeded 700, and it was aimed at enhancing tourism safety awareness and improving the rescue capabilities, according to the organizer.

By Shi Zihan and edited by Brian Salter

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