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Take bus with the help of your mobile phone

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-07-14

Chengdu Bus Group gave a news briefing on Thursday on the release of their “Bashi Bus App”, an official mobile application. It is an interactive platform where passengers can find out real time bus information, book a bus journey, and buy bus tickets.

The scope of data sharing and collection covers not only the main urban area of Chengdu, but also the districts and counties nearby. Real time bus information for Tianfu New Area, Wenjiang, Longquanyi, and Qingbaijiang will soon be added to the App.

Passengers can find through the App where the expected bus is, how long it will take to reach their stop, and whether it is crowded in the bus so that they can easily decide whether to wait for the bus or resort to other means of transportation. If passengers input their starting point and destination, the App will provide different bus routes to meet different demands, such as walking less, taking less time or fewer transfers.

In addition to bus information, “Bashi Bus App” has a reminder facility to prevent passengers from missing the stop or getting off at the wrong stop. Some passengers may forget their belongings on the bus but cannot find them because they do not remember the plate number of the bus. With “Bashi Bus”, passengers just need to input their bus card number and the ride history will be shown on their mobile phone.

Moreover, the App will release timely information about bus route changes. Also, visitors and foreigners can get advice on how to travel around Chengdu by bus with the help of the “Bashi Bus App”.

By Shi Zihan and edited by Brian Salter

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