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Joy Sunflower Field in full bloom

Updated: 2014-06-27

Joy Sunflower Field, in the Wenjiang district of Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province, began welcoming guests on Thursday at the start of the blooming season.

Joy Sunflower Field in full bloom
Sunflowers in bloom

Visitors can walk on beautiful country roads, take pictures in the ocean of flowers, pick up seasonal vegetables or have afternoon tea.

The agricultural project specializes in leisure and sightseeing and is designed and run by the district agriculture department and Yongning County government. It has become very popular and this year has increased in size to 100 mu (66,667 square meters).

Joy Sunflower Field in full bloom
Plant landscape with the shape of Chinese character 囍

A grand plant landscape has been created making up the Chinese character "Xi" (囍), which means double happiness, and is 100 meters long and 99 meters wide with two heart-shaped flower beds. The park has also created an agricultural experiencing zone for visitors to pick up a variety of plants, and a sales zone for organic farm products.

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