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21 places to make an economical journey

Updated: 2012-09-26 08:44
(Global Times)
21 places to make an economical journey

[Photo/Global Times]

Maling River Gorge, Xingyi, Guizhou

Located about 10 kilometers from Xingyi, the Maling River Gorge is a long and deep rift in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau cut by the surging Maling River. A series of both permanent and seasonal waterfalls (said to number around 100 in total) plunge or cascade down the steep cliffs on both sides of the gorge along its entire length. It is an ideal place for river drifting.

21 places to make an economical journey

[Photo/Global Times]

Ejina, Alashan, Inner Mongolia

Located in Alashan, Inner Mongolia, Ejina is one of the only three extensive poplar woods in the world. Tourists and photographers are enthralled by its amazing autumn scenery. There is a famous saying that goes like this: "Without going to Ejina, you will not know the mighty of the oasis; without going to Ejina, you will not know the magic of poplar trees".

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