Spears to stay in hospital 14 more days

Updated: 2008-02-04 09:09

Goetz named Spears' father, James Spears, as her conservator. Goetz also named Spears father and Wallet as conservators of the pop star's estate. A court creates a conservatorship when it concludes a person no longer can care for themselves or their personal and financial affairs.

In placing Spears in one, Goetz also issued a restraining order, keeping Sam Lutfi, the pop star's friend and sometime manager, away from her.

Goetz also granted the conservator access to Spears' medical records, as well as the right to restrict her visitors and to provide her with around-the-clock security. She ordered a hearing Monday to review the matter.

Spears' current hospitalization is the second this year for the 26-year-old singer, who has been in spiral of bizarre behavior since November 2006, when she filed for divorce from Kevin Federline, the father of her sons, 1-year-old Jayden James and 2-year-old Sean Preston.

Since her breakup with Federline, Spears has been seen at public events in short skirts and without underwear, has shaved her head bald, run over a photographer's foot with her car, left the scene of a fender bender, flogged another car with an umbrella and abandoned a car in traffic when it had a flat tire.

Recently, she was seen sitting on a sidewalk, holding her pet dog and crying.

Spears was hospitalized on Jan. 3 after police were called to her home when she refused to return her children to Federline following a visit. That episode resulted in her losing custody of her sons.

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