No change in Spears' custody fight

Updated: 2007-12-19 10:38

The custody fight between Britney Spears and Kevin Federline will go another round next year.

A Los Angeles Superior Court commissioner made no changes to the couple's custody arrangements Tuesday after their attorneys spent 90 minutes behind closed doors. Commissioner Scott Gordon also moved back a scheduled hearing from January to February.

Neither Federline nor Spears, 26, were in court while their attorneys argued the case.

The couple have been wrangling for months over the custody of their sons, 2-year-old Sean Preston and 1-year-old Jayden James.

Federline attorney Mark Vincent Kaplan said the court considered a motion to continue various matters, allowing more time for "some of the discovery that we weren't able to start last week" because Spears called in sick to her court-ordered deposition.

"Our main concern was that we not have to proceed in a time frame without that information that we could possibly glean from her deposition," Kaplan said.

A representative from the celebrity Web site submitted to the court video of Spears driving with a friend on the same day that she called in sick to her court-ordered deposition. Gordon did not view the tape.

Federline, 29, has temporary custody while Spears is allowed monitored visits with her children.

Kaplan said he and Spears' attorneys agreed upon a date for the pop star to be deposed but would not say when or where it will happen.

Spears attorney Sorrell Trope declined comment after the hearing.

Spears and Federline, who were married in 2004, have been in court repeatedly about custody since they split. Their divorce was final in July.


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