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Zhejiang Outlook

Moutai liquor sales peak pre-National Day 2011-10-07

Shoppers are stalking up on bottles of Feitian Moutai due to rumors that the liquor will see price hikes of 20 to 30 percent.

Dog meat festival axed after complaints circulate on web 2011-10-07

A centuries-old dog meat festival set to take place in Jinhua in Zhejiang province has been stopped.

Real estate sale takes turn for worse 2011-10-07

The sale of some 500 apartments that took place in November has gone sour for Zhejiang Qianjiang Ship Ltd Co, the developer of the apartments.

Sale of local cement company shares raises concern 2011-09-23

The Southern Cement pioneered the project that initially drew doubts from other similar companies. The project later proved to be successful.

Forum highlights obstacles, successes for new industries 2011-09-23

The Hangzhou and the World: The Development and Cooperation of New Industries forum attracted top business leaders.

Firms reap rewards from new customs methods 2011-09-23

The Hangzhou-Shenzhen regional customs clearance mode was recently launched.

Study: Zhejiang ladies spend most on skincare products 2011-09-21

Female consumers in Zhejiang province have spent the most money buying skincare products during the first half of this year than in any other province.

Parents' concern grow on meals at local kindergartens 2011-09-20

As food prices for vegetables, meat and eggs soar, young mothers in Hangzhou are feeling unsure about whether their kids will get sufficient nutrition from the 5-yuan (78 US cents) meals served at local kindergartens.

Art students find employment success in unlikely major 2011-09-20

Graduates of the Department of Print-making are welcomed in job market.

Experts in Ningbo invents new construction material 2011-09-19

Scientists at University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) in Zhejiang province have invented a new material that could dramatically change the way buildings are constructed.

Smart cities key for growth 2011-09-19

Whether China will continue to develop at a quick and healthy pace depends on whether its cities are developing well.

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