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2015-03-11 11:17:00   来源:跨考教育   作者:
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[提要]  1、近年来发生了一系列食品安全问题,食品当中的各种添加剂不知道什么时候就会超标,危害人们的健康。Food safety has been a long standing concern nationwide.食品安全一向为人们所关注口  Food adulteration can threaten people's health.食品参假可能危及人们的健康。

  中国有句老话“民以食为天” (Bread is the staff of life.),现在吃货们也有句话“离开吃,还谈什么人生”,由此可见吃是有多重要!可是近年来食品安全(food safety)问题层出不穷,最近也是接连出了几起事件,童鞋们吃的时候一定要留心呀!有时间的话还是尽量买回食材自己做着吃,一则健康安全,二则可以练习厨艺 (cooking skill),最后嘛,容易长肉的童鞋少吃些零食也省得赘肉(flab)找上门。







  食品添加剂 Food additives 食用色素 Food colorants

  食品污染 Food contamination 保健 Health care

  卫生设施 Health facilities 高蛋白食品 High protein foods

  营养不良 Malnutrition 医疗 Medical treatment

  药用植物 Medicinal plants 营养 Nutrition

  毒物 Poisons 吸烟 Smoking

  主食 Staple foods 传统保健 Traditional health care

  变质:spoil/go bad 变酸:go sour

  异味:strange taste/odd smell 食品变质:food spoilage

  易变质的:perishable 不新鲜的:stale

  发霉的:moldy 腐臭的:rotten/rancid

  过期的:expired 保质期:shelf life/expiration date

  下架:remove off shelves 召回:recall


  Greed has driven people to ignore laws and moral values.贪婪使人忽视法律和道德。

  These incidents really undermine public confidence.这些事件晚实打击了人们的信心。

  With the public disclosure,buyers confidence seems to be waning.事件被曝光之后,消费者的信心锐减。

  Food safety has been a long standing concern nationwide.食品安全一向为人们所关注口

  Food adulteration can threaten people's health.食品参假可能危及人们的健康。

  China's food industry needs a shake-up.中国的食品行业需要重新整顿。


  Food safety problem have become the focus of the global concern. In China,from the origin,the food security question really causes people 's concern to be to begin with "the rotten meat scandal of OSI Group".

  The food safety incidents that have occurred in China over the past few years are still fresh in people’s minds: melamine-poisoned milk powder; gutter cooking oil; sclenbuterol-contaminated pork; dyed steamed buns in Shanghai. Incidents like these are a source of constant concern for the public.

  Food safety is the most basic problem of people's livelihood, why in China the national food safety problems emerge in endlessly? For me, the questions might be very simple but the answers are pretty complicated.

  Science and technology level is relatively backward, the food industry standard relatively slowly. Moral landslide, lack of credibility boost China's current food safety problems. Environmental pollution leading to food safety risk remains high, people thought of utilitarianism is more serious and other reasons, all caused the food safety problems are repeatedly.


