Bird Flu
Bird Flu
> Backgrounder
Human Infection
Prevention Effort
Worldwide Outbreak
Photo Gallery
Common sense measures can help individuals protect themselves from bird flu virus.
Does human infection with H5N1 happen often?
Eating smartly reduces risk of infection
Avian flu (bird flu)
Properly cooked chicken, eggs not risky
Basics about bird flu
What is avian influenza (bird flu)?
Is there evidence of human-to-human transmission now?
What are the control measures in birds?
What are the consequences of outbreaks in poultry?
How do outbreaks of avian influenza spread within a country?
How does the disease spread from one country to another?
Apart from H5N1, have other avian influenza viruses ever infected humans?
Is there a vaccine effective against H5N1 in humans?
Are there drugs available for prevention and treatment?
Chief agricultural expert explains bird flu
Photo Gallery
Health authorities in Beijing have moved to prevent a bird flu outbreak.
Worried about bird flu? Wash your hands
Eating smartly reduces risk of infection
Avian flu (bird flu)
Properly cooked chicken, eggs not risky
Basics about bird flu
What is avian influenza (bird flu)?
Is there evidence of human-to-human transmission now?