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China Daily Website

VP calls for improved morality in organization units

Updated: 2012-08-29 20:30
( Xinhua)

BEIJING - Vice President Xi Jinping has urged officials with the country's organization departments to adhere to the nature of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and polish their behaviors and values to set an example for others.

Xi, who is also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, made the remarks Wednesday while meeting with attendees of a concluding meeting for a campaign to improve morality in the country's organization system.

The campaign, dubbed "Adhere to the Party Nature, Value Morality and Set an Example," was raised at the CPC's 17th National Congress for all Party members, especially officials and leaders.

According to Xi, the movement conducted over the past five years paid off for the organization system, as related officials saw their behaviors and work abilities improve.

At Wednesday's meeting, 100 units and 50 persons were honored as advanced groups or individuals in the country's organization system for, as Xi described, "their loyalty to the Party, righteous political qualities, a work style that focuses on reform, innovation and truth as well as their altruistic and clean-handed spirit."

Xi urged Party members in the organization system to continue the activity as a long-term practice while making more efforts to improve the Party's organizational methods and help foster high-quality officials as a foundation for the country's reform, development and stability.
