Service members get better insurance

Updated: 2011-12-26 20:07


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BEIJING - Chinese lawmakers on Monday began reviewing a draft law on insurance for service members that will provide insurance covering soldiers' deaths, injuries and illnesses during enlistment, as well as medical insurance and pensions for veterans.

According to the draft, the state will provide subsidies for veterans' pensions and medical insurance.

Moreover, the draft states the insurance system will also cover the pension and medical insurance of military spouses living with the service members at military duty stations.

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislature, on Monday began its bimonthly session, during which the legislators will deliberate several draft laws and amendments.

China's National Defense Law, enacted in 1997, has provided that the state should establish a service member insurance system, and a series of regulations issued after the law have helped to shape a preliminary one, said Liao Xilong, chief of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) general logistics department, in a report at the session.

The draft law aims to improve the current system and better safeguard the service members' rights and interests while taking the country's financial capability into account, Liao said.

The draft law also aims to streamline the insurance system for the service members, Liao said.