Foreign and Military Affairs

Chinese top advisor's Africa visit boosts friendship, co-op

Updated: 2010-04-02 15:04
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On various occasions during his visit, Jia gave detailed overviews about China's domestic situation, development concept, diplomatic policy and African policy.

With sharp insight and solid facts, Jia also refuted fallacies such as the "China threat theory" and "China's neo-colonialism," and bolstered China's image as a major, responsible nation, Wang said.

In each of the three African countries, Jia met with representatives of overseas Chinese. Jia acquainted them with China's current socio-economic development and macro-economic policies, as well as China's major contributions to such global issues as the economic crisis and climate change.

Jia also urged them to keep promoting social and economic development of the African countries and play a bigger role in enhancing China-Africa friendship and cooperation.

The three countries spoke highly of China's social and economic achievements and its constructive role in dealing with global issues such as the economic crisis.

They also said Jia's visit had promoted their understanding of China's development path and the country's internal and external policies, and  strengthened their confidence in China-Africa cooperation.


The tangible cooperation between China and Africa should be promoted, and the new bilateral strategic partnership should be enriched.

"One of the goals of Jia's visit is to push forward the tangible cooperation between China and the three countries in economy and trade," Wang said.

Jia said China-Africa economic and trade cooperation is highly reciprocal, has a huge potential and bears an important significance to the development of overall bilateral ties, he said.

China is ready to further tap this cooperation potential, enrich the cooperation content, innovate the cooperation mode and push economic and trade cooperation forward on a larger and wider scale and to a higher level.

All efforts should be directed to achieve a sustainable development and bring more tangible benefits to both sides, Wang quoted Jia as saying.

China is also willing to join hands with all African countries to play an active part in building a fairer and more rational international economic order, promoting global economic and trade cooperation, accelerating world economic recovery, and constructing a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity, he said.

"Jia also encouraged Chinese enterprises to go to Africa, consistently uphold the principle of promoting China-Africa relations and safeguarding core national interests, establish a favorable image, actively shoulder social responsibility and contribute to the local communities and play a role in the sustainable development of China-Africa ties," Wang said.

During the visit, over 200 Chinese entrepreneurs signed nearly 40 cooperation documents with the three nations, including procurement contracts and cooperation agreements worth about 400 million U.S. dollars in the fields of economy, trade, finance and infrastructure.


While meeting with the African leaders, Jia reviewed the great achievements in China's political system and socialist democratic politics, Wang said.

The chairman also expressed the CPPCC's readiness to enhance communication and cooperation with the African side as well as exchanges on how to run a country and improve people's welfare, he added.

The leaders of the three African countries said Jia's visit gave them more knowledge about China's political system and democracy as well as the CPPCC.

They also expressed their readiness to join hands with the CPPCC to fulfil the historic mission of boosting African-Chinese traditional friendship and work actively to foster this new type of Sino-African strategic partnership.

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