Foreign and Military Affairs

Chinese top advisor's Africa visit boosts friendship, co-op

Updated: 2010-04-02 15:04
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Chinese top advisor's Africa visit boosts friendship, co-op
Jia Qinglin (R Front), chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, is welcomed upon his arrival at the airport in Cape Town of South Africa, March 28, 2010. Jia Qinglin on Sunday arrived in Cape Town of South Africa, for an official visit to the country at the southern tip of Africa.[Photo/Xinhua] 

SAINT-DENIS-DE-LA-REUNION, France -- China's top political advisor Jia Qinglin's ten-day three-African-nation tour has successfully promoted China-Africa friendship and cooperation, a Chinese official said during Jia's flight back on Friday.

Jia is chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the country's top advisory body.

The visit aims to implement the agreements of the 4th Ministerial Meeting of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) held last November and to advance a new-type China-Africa strategic partnership, Wang Shenghong, deputy secretary general of the CPPCC, said Friday.

"During his visit, Chairman Jia has reached broad consensus for developing bilateral relations, strengthening China-Africa cooperation with the leaders of the three countries," he said.

"The visit has successfully advanced China's friendly relations with these countries and deepened the traditional friendship between China and African nations," he added.


China, Cameroon, Namibia and South Africa have seen frequent high-level exchanges, which have strengthened their mutual political trust and coordination in international affairs, Wang said.

"Jia has offered a string of suggestions for developing bilateral ties and cooperation between China and African countries," Wang said, adding that the chairman stressed China cherishes its traditional friendship with African countries and regards African people as reliable friends.

Jia expressed China's willingness to attach importance to the concerns and interests of African countries and make efforts to deepen mutual political trust, advance pragmatic cooperation, expand cultural exchanges and strengthen coordination in international affairs, according to Wang.

Jia reaffirmed that China will also comprehensively push forward the eight new measures introduced at the FOCAC to help African countries tackle global challenges such as the international financial crisis and climate change, Wang added.

China has made efforts to increase the representation and voice of the developing countries and protect their interests.

"Jia reaffirmed China's commitment to the path of peaceful development and sticking to a mutually beneficial and win-win strategy of opening-up, saying that China's development will provide more opportunities for developing countries, enhance South-South cooperation, better protect interests of developing countries, and promote world peace and development," Wang said.

The leaders of the three African nations reiterated their adherence to the one-China policy. They also applauded China's position and proposition on global affairs as well as international and regional issues, like the international financial crisis and climate change.

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