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A globalizing China benefits world

It is generally understood that China has been rapidly globalizing and that a globalizing China has been a primary catalyst for improving living standards in many parts of the world.

My Chinese Dream: Pim Overes

If life is a book, then I am lucky to say that my book started happily. My name is Pim Overes, I’m a Dutchman living in Xiamen, and I would like to share my Chinese dream with you.

American dreamer in China

Kenneth E. Behring was wealthy and successful in America, but it was in China that he found the true meaning of life. His work in China has ranged from donating wheelchairs to supporting many museums.

Efforts bond dreams

Commentary: China's foreign aid, a paradigm of South-South cooperation and mutual help between developing countries, has promoted the realization of the UN Millennium Developing Goals, thus integrating the Chinese Dream into the world's dream.

Chinese Dream books reaching wider audience

Books featuring excerpts of President Xi Jinping's remarks on the Chinese Dream, a concept he proposed in late 2012 regarding the "great rejuvenation of Chinese nation", have been published in several ethnic groups' languages and various foreign languages.

Doctor with a cure

A Hong Kong born doctor who spent much of his professional life in the United Kingdom thinks a new approach to medical care could be the answer to China's fraught hospital system.

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